Genially Activity
Some thoughts after using Genially in class: Taking into account this was the first time for me (and my students) using Genially, I must say it was not as user-friendly as we thought it would be at the very beginning, when we had a look at the app; that's why we needed to do an accurate planning in order to define every stage which would be followed not to make many mistakes and get the most out of Genially. The plan consisted on three different sessions before the oral presentation itself. In Stage 1, the group was established and the topic chosen; the activity was developed in 2º Bachillerato (second language) and since it is a small group formed by seven students we only did one group, dividing into sections their work. An idea came to my mind and after a short debate we thought about creating a TV show where everyone had their own part as a presenter (international and national news, sports, weather forecast, society, entertainment, etc.). In Stage 2 and 3, we ...
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